Expand Your Network / Mentor

Get Hired: Branding & Networking in the Now Economy

Get Hired: Branding & Networking in the Now Economy

Learn insider tips from HR expert Kara Smith on how to network with more enjoyment, clarity & confidence, and land that next project, promotion or new job:

  • Describe personal brand, market offering, and pitch in the job market
  • Apply networking strategies with clarity and confidence
  • Promote skills and expertise to stand out in the hidden job market
  • Launch the “Take Action 100 challenge” with strategic focus

You are at a networking event, corporate outing, workshop, dog park, or the playground. You meet someone new … and they say “What do you do”? You panic.

Networking is key to standing out in the ‘now’ economy … and essential to finding our next promotion, project, or new job.  Whether you are an extrovert or introvert, networking can seem like an scary world of cold calls and uncomfortable discussions. The reality is that networking is KEY because 80% of jobs are filled in the hidden job market.

Get clear and confident in any scenario where you are asked “What do you do?”.

And … It’s not just what you say … it’s how you say it. What is your marketing pitch?  The pitch isn’t a presentation. Its all about how you present yourself in daily work & life. How do you present yourself? Are you confident or nervous? Are you looking for approval or are you grounded and proud of your message? We get to decide how we present our market offering or our expertise to others. Some of us don’t want to be flashy and others are natural introverts. Others are extroverts who need a grounded message. Doesn’t matter. We can be authentic AND be clear what we offer in the market. We can be personable in daily conversation and be confident in our messaging. It’s your choice.

In this course, you will receive practical networking tips that you can use immediately that will help you take action in work & life with confidence and clarity.

What you get:

  • Lifetime access to course 
  • Editable workbook for a better learning experience
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