Curated Resources forTeaching and AssessingCareer ReadinessCompetencies
This began as an innocent-enough question posted to the NACE Community: Are there models for careerreadiness competency badges or credentials? The conversation blew up: so many requests for more info;
so many responses of “following;” so much energy unleashed with that simple query! What began as a
hunt for information evolved into regular virtual discussions with career services professionals from across
the United States, sometimes gathering more than 200 people, representing a rich diversity of higher
education institutions and employers. Over time, it became clear that what was desired was a collection of
resources to teach the career readiness competencies—this handbook.
Consuming nearly a year of work, with a steering team and working groups, these volunteers dug in to
solicit, review, and collect some of the most useful tools and resources to elevating career-readiness
competency education. We recognize that we haven’t gathered every resource; we also recognize that
as NACE continues to move forward into the career-readiness orbit, it will provide robust assessments to
measure learning in each competency area. The work of this group was to generate operational definitions,
identify practical examples, and collect useful resources for each of the competencies.
This will, undoubtedly, continue to evolve which is as it should. Our work was to start the process—to be
the genesis—of something we hope will grow into a highly useful and valued tool.
It has been my honor to have been the driving organizer for this project. What began as a simple question
bloomed into this handbook of which I am very proud. But more importantly, this experience reminded me
of the extensive talent and dedication of career education professionals. I am grateful for the relationships
I’ve developed with the steering team members and for the trust my colleagues placed in me.
Ever forward,
Julia Overton-Healy, Ed.D.